Evil Queen Crystal Crown Gothic Wedding Silver or Black Tiara
Evil Queen Crystal Crown Gothic Wedding Black Tiara
This amazing Crystal Crown is inspired by the Evil Queen Herself. You may be dressing for Princess Cosplay, Queen Cosplay or Prom, or maybe the evil seductress living in your soul decided that on Tuesdays the realm wears crowns. Whatever the case, this stunning Black Crown shan't disappoint.
The evil queen lives in a very tall tower. The walls of which are thickly wrapped in dark vines. Almost black, their tendrils stretch and curl around the walls. Mimicked in this beautiful handcrafted design, black wire wraps delicately around crystal points.
This will be meticulously handcrafted to your exact size specifications. Celebrate the dark princess you are and order today!
*please note this style can be done in different colors! Message me to discuss your custom color choices!